Thursday, September 24, 2009

Grand Lodge of Iowa

I am late in writing this, but here goes. Last week the Grand Lodge of Iowa meet in their 165 annual communication. I have been going to Grand Lodge for many many years. Three times I have served as a Grand Lodge Officer and have seem many different people and events take place.
Thursday was the Grand Lodge School. This was the first year since I became proficient that I did not help in a was kinda nice to just sit and watch. I have two thoughts about Grand Lodge School. First, the ritual is utmost important to masonry as is performing it well. That said the numbers attending seem to be getting less and less and few of the "craft" attend. The custodians do a wonderful job holding schools around the state. I do like the memorial service, though I have not been able to attend the last two years as I have a committee meeting at the same time. I look for the Grand Lodge School to eventually be gone, but I hope the memorial service stays.
Thursday evening was the Grand Master's Banquet. I was my pleasure to represent the Sir Knights of Iowa as their Grand Commander. Brother Bob, the Grand Master of Prince Hall Masons in Iowa was at my table, always a interesting man to talk with. I provided some entertainment for the table as the wife of the teacher of the year gave me a bad time about my bow tie. So I untied and retied it in less than 40 seconds, without a mirror. She and the others at the table were amazed.
Friday was the opening of Grand Lodge. Four Grand Commandery Officers presented the American and Iowa flags. They did a good job. I had the pleasure of being received as Grand Commander by the Grand Master. Not a lot different took place, just tired butt syndrome.
Friday night was the all Masonic Banquet and installation of the incoming grand officers. I really question why we have banquets. For $30-$40 one can go out and have a very nice dinner, guess it is just tradition.
Saturday was really the most important day. Voting on the legislation. There was a lot of proposed amendments, but most of them were withdrawn before voting.
Nat and I journeyed home Saturday afternoon, tired, and worn out.
I wish the best for our new Grand Master and the Grand Officers as they travel for Iowa Masonry.

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