Thursday, February 25, 2010

Masonic Week

Two weeks ago after 6 canceled flights I arrived in Alexandria Va for my first trip to "Masonic Week". I was a day and half late getting there because of the winter storms. Wow what a group of fine, dedicated, and knowledgeable masons. I really enjoyed see many friends and made many new ones.
One of many highlights was being installed as Chief of Great Chief's Council No. 0, Knight Masons. This came as a complete surprise.
The two most enjoyable events was the Order of the Scarlet Cord and the Operatives.
Many brothers from the U.K. came to confer these degrees and orders. I was very impressed with their ritual and the content of the message portrayed. The Scarlet Cord told much of the genealogy of King Solomon. Impressive.
The operatives are dedicated to preserving the art of the operative masons. They have three Grand Master Masons. The work was extensive and very complex with many many working tools and props. They consecrated three new Assemblages, making four in the United States.
It was a fun and educational week, although the weather was bad, masonic brotherhood prevailed and warmed my heart.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Educationall Foundation of the Grand Commandery of Iowa

Saturday I drove to Cedar Falls to meet with the Iowa Grand Commander's Educational Foundation. This foundation is in cooperation with the Grand Encampment. In the past their primary cause was student loans. Over the years they have made many loans to deserving Iowa Students. Last year three loans were made with one more being processed.

The ability to collect on some of the loans has been troublesome. The Foundation is considering giving scholarships also. I recommended that they start a scholarship program. They approved the idea and are going to start writing the details and structure for a scholarship program. The idea is that it will be a locally generated recipient. And the local Commnadery will receive credit for the scholarship and be responsible for selecting a recipient and making the presentation. Of course, not every Commandery will receive approval for their recipient. We are considering starting with just six scholarships, with one to be given to a Commandery in each district to award. I would welcome any comments on this new undertaking. I am proud the Grand Commandery is utilizing some of the funds of this foundation to help Iowa's students. Let me know what you think and if the Foundation is going in the right direction.