Sunday, June 7, 2009

"Our Days Of Glory"

The 145 annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Iowa has ended. What a wonderful time. It was my pleasure on Saturday morning to be installed as Grand Commander for the ensuing Templar year. As the year begins I look upon our rich past, "our days of glory", from those noble crusaders to those men who have been called to lead our Order through the ages, those ages are past and we are now in a new saga of "Our Days of Glory".

There are four points to remember this year:


2. Ritual and Tactics

3. Philanthropy

4. FUN

1 comment:

  1. REGC Bryce,

    I think that your four pronged approach to this year is an excellent start, with the fourth point being the most important of all. If commandery isn't enjoyable, then the other three facets of your plan are destined to fail. Well done, and I look forward to new "Days of Glory" under your command.


